We have created this site in order to make such a service available for people, as no appropriate website could be found to satisfy this need. We have constructed a nice, clean site, which is W3C valid and easy to use for everyone, no matter he/she is a professional or a beginner. We offer you a simple interface with three options to test your speed (depending on your connection power). All you have to do, is to click the button with the speed that is closest to yours, wait for checking to end and have your connection speed displayed with some additional information on some files download time. Here we have a continually developing Glossary, which will provide you with information on terms that you hear every day, but you do not know their meaning. Here you will find different useful programs, that will help you to organize your computer’s good performance. In other words we will represent your IT world in a nutshell. You can find Us also on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Delicious. Enjoy speed testing and why not educating with our website, We will wait for Your feedbacks and will make our site better and better each day. With best regards SpeedTest administration. |