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Sunday, 27 March 2011 11:13

Facebook Rolls Out New Questions Feature

Cast your vote: Facebook, the world’s leading social network service has launched its brand new Questions feature. The new application- which was anticipated for a long time, especially by users who got a taste of it in its beta phase- works like an addition to your status. It let’s you ask your network their opinion and allows them to choose one of your answers or provide a different one.

For everyday questions

such as "What take-out should I order?" and more existential dilemmas like "What should I major in?", millions of users turn to Facebook to query their friends. Now, the new questions feature does just that for you and with a single-click (and some typing) you can question the entire Facebook community.

“We wanted to make questions easier and faster to answer. With the updated [as aforementioned, it was in beta-testing since July] Questions you can agree with an existing answer with a single click, or you can add a different response,” writes Facebook Adrian Graham on the site’s official blog.

When setting up your question, you can choose it to be a poll with a limited number of predefined answers for ‘better precision’ or more open ended, and you can also add a photo to your query. You can also follow questions that you find interest in, thus receiving notifications whenever a new answer to them is submitted.

Whenever Facebook introduces new features, there’s bound to be complaints, of which the most commmon is privacy, and this won't be any different. In order to “cast a wider net”, Facebook decided that not only your friends, but their friends too, can see your questions and respond to them.

However, maybe that is not so bad, since you are more likely to get real time answers that way. Regardless, if you value your privacy you can still post your question the old-fashioned way- as a status update.

Questions will complete the rollout to all Facebook users today and be available to all account holders soon. If you can’t wait, you can activate by clicking here.

So what do you think about the new questions feature? A. It’s going to be a huge success; B. It’s nice, but they must work on its privacy setting; C. It will catch only for a while; D. Kind of annoying. If you have any other opinions, please tell us!

Last modified Sunday, 27 March 2011 12:47

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