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No valid database connection Incorrect DATETIME value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_k2_items WHERE id != 564 AND catid=1 AND ordering > 374 AND published=1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '2025-03-12 09:26:24' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '2025-03-12 09:26:24' ) AND access<=0 AND trash=0 ORDER BY ordering ASC LIMIT 0, 1
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The social network "Одноклассники" launched a “Video” section, the conent being provided by video hosting RuTube.
The button “Video” must
be available in the main menu for all the users of "Однокласники" within a day. At the moment of writing the news it was available for nearly half of the members of the social network. The users will be able to share videos with their friends with the help of the button "Класс!". Thus, on the basis of users’ recommendations the most popular videos will be rated.
The service will be free, and the monetization of “Video” will be done by selling video ads. The exclusive right of placement and selling of video ads in the “Video”section belongs to RuTube.
RuTube and "Одноклассники" have signed an exclusive contract for one year, with possibility of extension. The income from the sale of ads will be devideded between the social network and the video hosting, but the value of their shares is not divulged.
According to the opinion of RuTube’s general manager Michael Il’ichev, the users of "Одноклассники" will add to the service 120-130 million views per month. At the moment the volume of views on the video hosting is 150 millions per month. According to RuTube, last year companies spent on video ads in RuNet about 531 million rubles. RuTube’s share in the market reaches 30%.
Last year "Одноклассники" earned 662 million rubles advertising. The social network’s main rival in the Russian market "ВКонтакте" was able to gain 1.36 billion rubles. Videos being loaded by the users of "ВКонтакте" are also available for free, but no ads are sold in them.
Last modified Thursday, 07 April 2011 22:53